How fertile are you?

“The kingdom of God compares to a mustard seed, that when it is sown in the ground it’s of the smallest seeds on the earth but SPRINGS UP later and becomes the largest of plants,” the Gospel of St. Mark. That of everything designed to live, productivity is necessary. It has to grow; like a family where two grow to make generations. How fertile are you?

Individuals thriving in the business world today have one key distinct feature i.e. growth. They are fertile to embody the ideal of productivity. These individuals flourish in dominion “as a result (but not pursuit),” the way Myles Munroe said. One must begin or let us say embark on a journey to grow and add for the purposes of getting results. God BLESSED his creation saying to them, “Be fertile and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over everything.” – Genesis 28. To be fertile is an order GIVEN TO US by our maker – and of course when we abide by this instruction wholeheartedly, then we are assured of dominion.

Fertility implies growth in abundance by reproducing. Translated from Hebrews, fertility in the Bible originally meant being productive – not necessarily giving birth to young ones alone. Growth is essential to the existence of the human kind. When one is not growing then he/she is literally dead. Lack of growth implies poverty which denotes lack of productivity: being unfertile.

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How then can we be productive and make good use of our fertility? Productivity can be monitored and its trend established, for it designs to a structure which generates creative pillars to depend. Pressing on to it, risks are often involved in the process but the most important is that it has to begin from a point. After the resolve and the affirmative spirit to start, growth is made possible. For “I will take from the crest of the cedar, from its topmost branches tear off a tender shoot, and plant in on a lofty mountain.” Ezekiel 18:22. So, there is always the beginning that one has to develop the courage to start. IGNITE!

After the start, what is the progress then? For instance since joining university, one can critique his/her performance in as far as growth is concerned: be it physical, intellectual, contextual, relationships, spiritual or even emotional. What’s the progress? Does it show a remarkable positive growth or advancing in the opposite direction? As I throw the question to you (the reader), I also gauge the measure I have given out so far since I entered Moi University to the very moment I am writing this article. Have I inspired or expired? What is my net-output? Is my connection growing or diminutive? Substantive answers to such questions clearly show whether I am FERTILE or not?

Bill Gates attributes his success to partnerships and growth from the very beginning. He remember the HUMBLE BEGINNINGS in Seattle to setting up Microsoft Offices in Great Britain, Japan at first then slowly shooting worldwide. God never made a car, he made mountains for us to find ores in them.

How fertile are you then?

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